
Mission & Vision

Find yourself here

The West Falmouth Library is a place of learning, a place to gather and share ideas, and a place of respite and renewal. It has long been at the heart of the community and strives to remain relevant, vital, and responsive to its changing needs.

Our vision is that everyone who engages with the Library finds themselves a little bit better for it. Whether it’s learning something new or something important, sharing the joy of live music, or simply having a quiet moment in a beautiful place, the Library opens the door to a more expansive way of seeing the world. It’s a place where hearts and minds are nourished.

Please join us. You are always welcome.

Our Charter

  • To remain a free public space where patrons feel welcome and safe, and find opportunities to grow
  • To provide educational services addressing the needs of the community
  • To preserve knowledge and truth through a range of media
  • To offer programs that enrich and maintain the vitality of the community
  • To give voice to the stories that make us who we are, individually and collectively


575 West Falmouth Highway
West Falmouth, MA 02574

(508) 548-4709